No need to ALT + TAB anymore.
OpsBrief Viewer Pro
OpsBrief Viewer brings seamless integration of SimBrief to your simulator. Designed for everyone to use with ease, simply enter your SimBrief username and then import all of your flight data.
Everything is easy to read as we extract the data and put it into understandable formats in separate tabs. Alternatively, view your entire OFP from your simulator, along with maps and runway data/take-off performance.
Works with ANY aircraft, even if it does not come with an EFB/Tablet in the cockpit. Simply open OpsBrief Viewer from the in-sim toolbar at any time.
No need to ALT + TAB anymore to load your OFPs, read take-off data, or view your flight maps with OpsBrief Viewer Pro for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Important Information
Supported Simulator
Current Version