We're pleased to announce that Landing Challenge Pro is now available through Contrail.
Contrail is an all-new web store that focuses on being easy and simple to use for owners of Microsoft Flight Simulator. SoFly joins the likes of Flightbeam, Aerosoft, Sim-Wings and LatinVFR on the Contrail App.
The application enables you to effortlessly install new products to your simulator whilst having full control and visibility of all the add-ons you have installed.

You can buy Landing Challenge Pro now directly from Contrail!
About Landing Challenge Pro
Realise your true skill in your piloting abilities with Landing Challenge Pro as you take on nearly 30 unique landing challenges throughout the world.
Discover thrilling new destinations featuring approaches that often leave no room for error. Go up against short-runways, high-altitude approaches, and mountainous terrain on your global journey to build up your landing skills. Immerse yourself in the natural surroundings of stunning beaches and forests as you soar above the scenic locations, but remember your ultimate goal is to perform a safe landing.
Newcomers and experienced simmers alike can improve their landing skills with insightful feedback after each successful landing. Share your results with friends online and invite them to compete with your score. Advance through three difficulty levels choosing from Easy, Tough and Pro and master each challenge.
Harness all your skills to take on approaches through extreme weather conditions. Blizzards and freezing temperatures will cause ice to build up, whilst hurricanes and gusty winds will sway your aircraft from side to side. Take on several exhilarating and epic challenges in a variety of aircraft types and work towards becoming a pro.
Build on your experience and skill with Landing Challenge Pro to gain the confidence you need to take on any approach.
Available now for £5.49 / €7.99 / $8.95 / $9.95AUD (Tax-excluded).